Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Art Appreciation: Mosaic

Hello, Today in the twos creative classroom the toddlers worked on their mosaic pieces. I was thinking about making a copy of a snowflake for them to mosaic but that was a fail so instead I came up with an even more creative idea. I asked them what they wanted to Mosaic. Many of them said Mickey Mouse or Minnie Mouse. Which in turn became singing M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse. It is so funny that when your that little you can break out in song whenever you feel the need to. There was also a disagreement on who could do Minnie or Mickey Mouse. I quickly told them that they could mosaic what every they wanted me to. While the twos were doing this project I learned that the older ones liked doing the activity and spent a good amount of time figuring out what colors they wanted to put on their Mickey or Minnie Mouse and the younger ones couldn't keep their attention on the art activity. I also learned that the two year old that usually isn't very interest in art projects was somewhat interested because it was Mickey Mouse but that it was a time consuming art activity and she didn't want to make sure that the pieces were on the glue but instead wanted to pile them on the other pieces to just get it done. They were doing a lot of fine motor activity trying to grab the small squares with their fingers and the placement of where they wanted to place them. The children had a really good time with the activity. I got the idea for doing mosaic for art appreciation from the website wwww.blog.mellissaanddoug.com and their site off Pintrest Summer Art School 5 ways to teach in 5 days to teach your child about art.