Saturday, September 3, 2016

New school year

I have heard recently this year by having many visits in my room that the decorations in my room are really great. I don't want to take credit thought because I just got the ideas from Pintrest. I'll post pictures when k get back to work and the school year officially starts. I have lots of ideas from Pintrest that I want to incorporate into my classroom. Designs and also Reggio curriculum. I have just recently updated my lesson plans to make them more Reggio friendly because I love the idea but I needed to iniate it into the curriculum more. Project work intrigues me and since my kids are so vocal this year I am super excited about project work and activities that are more Reggio. Tuesday is the first day that it will be incorporated more. I'll blog after the first day so that I can keep track of what works and what doesn't. I would appreciate if anyone would comment and be a sounding board for me. I will also be asking my boss what she thinks. Thank you in adavance for your advice.