Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Music week

Greetings readers,
Today for art the crazy creative twos painted guitars. I saved boxes from snack and paper towel rolls and asked my boss for some rubber bands to make strings for their guitars.. I glued the paper towel rolls to the top of the boxes and cut out holes out of the boxes. The twos had a really great time doing this activity. The older toys loved painting their box guitars. They were learning to use their fine and gross motor skills to paint a 3 dimensional object. It also took them a lot more time to paint. Some of them liked painting for the longer part of the time and some of them grew tired of painting such a large box. The younger twos painted for a little part of the time and then just wanted to play. The older twos wanted to hold the box onto their own box when they were painting and some of them didn't mind getting paint on their hands when they held the box. Usually the younger ones want to paint inside the box where the hole was but I guess because the box was so big they thought that the paint brush would fall in. I really loved getting this activity ready for our Music theme. You could make a 3 dimensional art activity for any theme that you wanted. Abby's Enrichment Center curriculum is Reggio so I have tried to do something similar with my class each month for a project for the class to do together. The musical instrument that was made in the blog Delightful Learning was a banjo and was made with wood, a tub and a balloon. I didn't have any wood or tubs but I did have boxes which worked just as well. I am glad that my class was able to make their own guitar, take it home and play with it.

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