Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Today in the twos creative classroom the twos played a parachute game for their physical movement. Since this week our theme was Circus the twos bounced a bear in the parachute. Everyone loved doing this activity. They had so much fun. Everyone grabbed a handle and bounced the bear up and down in the parachute. Whenever the bear fell out they always put it back in the parachute. The older and younger twos really loved it! There was only one younger two that didn't really stay playing the parachute game very long. I think it was because all the children were playing with the parachute instead of just him playing with the parachute. Because when we're in the muscle room at recess he usually loves playing in the parachute. Pretending he's napping under it, sitting on it, and playing peek a boo. Usually when were in the muscle room he is usually the only on that likes to play with it, the rest of the older ones play with each other or other toys. But when were bouncing something on the parachute all the children join in. It was a lot of fun. I really liked that the blog also suggested that the object that you bounce in the middle of the parachute would go with your theme for the week. I think the children would have a lot of fun bouncing a ball in the middle of the parachute too. The blog was called Nurture Store Creative Kids Learning: Parachute Games Active Play for Creative Kids

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