Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Hello readers,

Today in the crazy twos creative classroom the children pretended to draw pictures on notes to their friends and put them into the mail bag and then separate the drawings into the separate mail bags for each of the children of my class. All the children really enjoyed coloring on their own mail bag. Some of more then others. The older twos liked drawing on a note for their friend and then putting stickers on their note to their friend. They really liked telling me who they wanted to give their notes to. Some of them surprised me of who they wanted to give their note to. Like Harper who is a little girl who is outspoken wanted to give a boy whose rather quite in class a note. The younger ones mostly wanted to give their notes to themselves. I think the best part of this dramatic play activity they liked was putting the stickers on the notes. I tried with one older two to get them to put their note in an envelope but they just became frustrated with it, so we just decided to write to: and from:. one of my older twos was the only one that wanted to separate the notes into the separate mail bag. I even tried to put a blue mail carrier hat on some of the children that said they wanted to but they just took off the outfit and went to play. I was surprised how long they wanted to do this activity. I loved that it was an extension of dramatic play. They drew pictures on their mail bags, notes to their friends, put stickers on their notes for their friends for about 3 0 minutes. The blog that I took this activity from looked like they did it with ages 3 to 4 and I was hesitate to do the activity with my class but they seemed like they enjoyed it. The older twos much more then the younger ones. I would love to do this more in my classroom. The blog was Here Come The Girls. The activity was the Post Office.

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